Isla Holbox (whole bush) was pretty neat. It is located on the Gulf of Mexico so the sea is not as blue as the Caribbean. Yah it looks like Isla Mujeres did, but maybe eighty years ago, not twenty as we were thinking before we went there. No cars. White sand streets with grande slippery puddles when it rains.

Almost no TVs in the houses. None in the hotels. No cell phone reception for Americans. Great restaurants, pizza, Argentinian, Italian, Mexican.

Here is an interesting note. In the 10 days in Mexico we never had a Mexican meal. Chips and pico de gallo and guacamole for sure, but NO Mexican.

Israeli, Spanish, Italian and Mediterranean and Asian but no . . . There was incredible sea food, or so I was told.

Our hotelita was a knock out. It is very new and run by an Italian mother and daughter. It had one of the most beautiful pool areas that I have ever seen. And I have seen a few thousand.

I think there are 7 hotels on the twenty six-mile-long island. Isla Mujeres is only 5 miles long.
Our hotel was rated by Trip Advisor as #3. I can't imagine any hotel on Holbox being better than the one we stayed at. Not much shopping, but when you did shop, there was NO pressure. No "take a look" or "where you from." No vendors on the beach. Way more bird life and way more shells. We have only seen more stars at night once on a vacation, while in Montana. Quiet. Not many Norte Americanos. Population of Isla Mujeres: 10,000. Population of Isla Holbox: 1,600.

Found a new drink for me there that I really enjoyed. It is called a Michelada. Soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, Goya sauce, salted glass with rockes (ice cubes) add ice cold beer. I had Modelo. You cannot drink it fast. Mine lasted for up to two hours. Three would be too many. If you like a spicy drink, this Bud's for you. I mean this Michelada is for you. Mr. Google says that it was concocted in the 1940s and that roughly translated it means "my cold beer" or mi chela helado.