Monday, September 30, 2013

Letter to Ace Ticket

To Mr. James Holzman
Ace Ticket
534 Commonweath Ave.
Boston, MA 02215

Dear Mr. Holzman,
Herb Chambers once ran an advertisement for the Vespa motor scooters he was selling.

The ad read, "Don't Be A Gas Hole." I wrote to him and asked him if his Grandmother liked the ad. He actually wrote back, sent a letter with a stamp , and said he had never seen the ad, and promised that I would never see it again either. I never saw it again.

Your ad "Sit Your Ace Down" offends me. My wife says, "You are sixty eight years old and everything offends you."

She could be on to something, but do you REALLY think that is a class ad?

If you actually paid someone for that idea, maybe you should try to get the people that wrote the 1969 Prince Spaghetti ad. ANTHONY! That was a great advertisement.         

Good health to you.             


Bob Bacon

110 Stagecoach Drive

Marshfield, MA 02050

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's just a stupid ad... which I'm sure offends some people with the innuendo of vulgar language... but it more offends me in the sense it's giving the customer an order/command. No thanks.