Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hangar 1

Hangar 1 at South Weymouth Massachusetts Naval Air Station.

Originally built to house blimps.

It was one of my jobs to keep the lights working in the tower on the right. For this I would get a half a day off.

When a new sailor came aboard, it was also my duty to walk him to the top, but only if he wanted to. I on the other hand had no choice. Aye Aye, Sir!

Yah, that's me topside. Look at how much higher Hangar 1 is, compared to the orange and white water tower. You can't make this stuff up.

Bacon CEW2 693-10-63
construction electrician wiring petty officer second class

you NEVER forget your service number


TAD said...

great story and wonderful pictures

Derek Gentry said...

My stomach is flip-flopping just looking at the photos. Very cool!

Derek Gentry said...

My stomach is flip-flopping just looking at the photos. Very cool!